External sponsored research
External sponsored research
GRAIL encourages the submission of scientifically sound and innovative research proposals:
- Investigator Sponsored Trials (ISTs)
- Research Collaborations
GRAIL research support is awarded on a highly competitive basis, taking into account scientific rigor, innovation, ethics, methodological and statistical considerations, patient safety, and the ability to generate data in alignment with GRAIL’s strategic priorities while avoiding redundancy with our internal research efforts.
GRAIL invites applications for external sponsored research in a two-step process, beginning with the formal submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI) form. This form can be downloaded here: Letter of Intent Template Download Link.
For ISTs, GRAIL will review each proposal to confirm patient safety, ethics, scientific merit, operational feasibility, strategic alignment and budget, which generally takes up to 60 days for a decision. If the Letter of Intent has been approved, you will be asked to submit a full protocol, final study budget, and other relevant materials within 90 days. Once this information has been reviewed and approved, you will receive a study start up package, including financial forms and contracts.
Eligibility Requirements
Operating expenses must be directly and exclusively dedicated to the activity for which the requestor is applying.
In order to be eligible, your organization must not be:
- An individual, group practice, or private physician office
- Owned in whole or in part by a physician or a group of physicians
Funding must only be used in support of legitimate, bona fide research and its related expenditures. It cannot be used for:
- Funding or support for developing clinical practice guidelines
- Capital campaigns or building funds
- Non-specific undefined research
- Overhead; except a reasonable and benchmarked amount for the project and region for which project will be executed, and cannot exceed 30%
The scientific project must not have commenced prior to the approval for funding.
Researchers assigned to the research project must be qualified (e.g., not subject to medical license suspension or revocation, not debarred or disqualified by a federal or state agency).
Researchers will be subject to the other conditions and requirements contained in GRAIL’s sponsored research contract.

If you have questions, or to apply, please get in touch with our External Sponsored Research Program.
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